
My name is Gareth Lewis and I'm a freelance events coordinator, sometime theatre practitioner and full time organic warrior. My passion for organics takes me back almost 5 years. For health reasons I began taking a certified organic probiotic called ' In L...
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Top 5 Myths about Organic Food

It’s not good for the environment This myth pops up every couple of months. It’s not true for a couple of reasons: for starters, organics are already better for the environment because they don’t require toxic pesticides to grow. This my...
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Flu Shot to Be Priority for Pregnant Women

We all know that the swine flu has been hitting the people in the United States pretty hard, but it has been hitting women who are pregnant unusually hard. This is why they are most likely to be among the first in line to be advised to get a new swine flu shot this fall. Pregnant women account for approximately 6 percent of the U.S. flu death since this pandemic began in April, even though they only make up 1 percent of the population in the U.S.

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(Health) Spiritual Outlook Can Affect Mental Health in Breast Cancer

Among breast cancer patients, a positive religious attitude is not linked to measures of well-being, but a negative religious or spiritual outlook can lead to worse emotional and mental health, a recent study suggests.
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(Health) Britain's swine flu advice confuses public (AP)

A student plays volleyball while in quarantine at the Yanxiang Hotel in Beijing, China, Monday, July 20, 2009. Dozens of students from the U.S. and United Kingdom have been quarantined at the hotel after classmates were diagnosed with swine flu. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)AP - Health officials in Britain have issued a torrent of conflicting advice on swine flu, telling people to avoid travel, stay away from crowds and even advising women to delay getting pregnant until the virus subsides.

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(Health) Campaigners for evicted Palestinians call on Barack Obama to intervene -

Voice of America
Campaigners for evicted Palestinians call on Barack Obama to intervene
Campaigners protesting at the eviction of two Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem to make way for a Jewish development today appealed to President Barack Obama to stop the settlement going ahead. The families, who have lived in the ...
US eyes Syrian, Palestinian tracksJewish Telegraphic Agency
American Israeli Action Coalition backs refusal to cease e. J'lem ...Jerusalem Post
Netanyahu draws red line on settlement freezeChristian Science Monitor
Ha'aretz -Reuters -AFP
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(Health) Flu advice for high-risk groups

Swine flu advice for high-risk groups including pregnant women and children has been underlined by the Government ahead of the launch of a new pandemic service.

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(Health) Doctors Angry About BNP Campaign Tactics, UK

Correspondence and a linked Editorial in this week's Lancet criticise the election tactics employed by the British National Party (BNP) prior to the recent European Elections. Before the European elections last month, the BNP distributed 29 million election leaflets featuring quotes alongside images of archetypal BNP supporters.
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(Health) UPMC Again Named To U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll Of America's Best Hospitals For The 10th Time

UPMC is once again the region's only medical center named on the annual U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll of America's Best Hospitals. UPMC is ranked 13th of only 21 hospitals nationwide who made the Honor Roll of the "nation's best" in the 2009 survey. UPMC was ranked in 13 of 16 specialty areas, including seven specialties for which UPMC is in the top 10.
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(Health) Family Physician Survey In Mainz: Patients With Depression Frequently Suffer From Medically Unexplained Pain

Pain symptoms that cannot be attributed, or at least not fully attributed, to an organic origin are more frequently and more severely experienced by patients with depression than by those without.
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(Health) Expert Available To Discuss CDC Report Showing Poison Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Traffic Death Rates Among Adults 34 To 56

Adults between the ages of 34 and 56 are at a greater risk of dying from poisonings than from motor vehicle accidents, according to a new report from the CDC. The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, released on Friday, states that poisoning death rates were higher than motor vehicle traffic death rates among adults aged 34 to 56 years between 2005 and 2006.
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(Health) Nepean Dyspepsia Index Applies To Functional Dyspepsia In China

FD, a common non-organic disease in the world, greatly affects a patient's quality of life. However, treatment of FD is still controversial and no single therapy is uniformly effective, due, in part, to absence of a reliable evaluation instrument.
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(Health) MSF: AIDS drug shortage threatens Africa (AP)

AP - Doctors Without Borders warned on Saturday that a chronic shortage of drugs to treat AIDS in six African countries could cost thousands of lives and reverse progress made on the continent most afflicted by the disease.
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(Health) High-stakes talks as Honduras braces for trouble - AFP

Boston Globe
High-stakes talks as Honduras braces for trouble
TEGUCIGALPA — Honduras's military was on alert Saturday for a possible return attempt by ousted President Manuel Zelaya, as talks between his aides and the country's de facto government were held in Costa Rica. Tensions were ratcheted up after days of ...
Hondurans set for 'crunch' talksBBC News
Honduras Talks to Resume, Zelaya Gives UltimatumVoice of America
Arias's Effort to End Honduras Stalemate Resumes in Costa RicaBloomberg
Reuters -Wall Street Journal -Xinhua
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(Health) Brain Study Offers Hope for Autism

Though discoveries about Alzheimer's disease are often in the news, a new study reveals that American adults are unaware of the relationship between Alzheimer's disease risk and heart health, and that physical activity can protect against dementia.
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(Health) Teen Behaviors Stem from Genetics, Environment

When it comes to drinking and acting out, genes alone aren't destiny, study finds

Source: healthDay
Related MedlinePlus Topics: Child Behavior Disorders, Genes and Gene Therapy, Underage Drinking
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(Health) Signs of Alzheimer's Seen Earlier Than Thought

Second study found that individuals who were informed about their risk weren't devastated

Source: healthDay
Related MedlinePlus Topics: Alzheimer's Disease, Genes and Gene Therapy
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(Health) CDC: Fatality Rate for H1N1 Slightly Higher Than Seasonal Flu

An article quotes Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC as saying the fatality rate for H1N1 swine flu appears to be slightly higher than that of seasonal flu. These contradicts what many health officials have been saying - that the H1N1 virus is no more severe than seasonal flu. Dr. Anne Schucat also says there are 200 people hospitalized with swine flu and more deaths are expected. "We wonder whether this strain will continue during the summer and give us more of a summer influenza pattern," said Schuchat, interim deputy director for science and public health program. "Unfortunately, we don't know whether we're going to get a break this summer with this virus."

So far, the fatality rate for the novel virus appears to be slightly higher than for seasonal influenza, which contributes to an estimated 36,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, Schuchat said. More than 200 people have been hospitalized, mostly children and teens, which is also very different from seasonal infections.

Schuchat warned that the virus likely will continue to spread and to cause more hospitalizations and more deaths. Hopefully, we will get a break this summer but even we do people have to not let down their guard this fall. The virus spreads easily because most people do not appear to have immunity to it and there is no vaccine.

A list of H1N1 web resources can be found here.

Photo: CDC

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(Health) The Medpedia Project Launches

The Medpedia Project has announced the public launch of the beta version of, a health resource and technology platform for the worldwide health community. Harvard Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Berkeley School of Public health, University of Michigan Medical School and other health organizations, are contributing in various ways to Medpedia. The goal of The Medpedia Project is to create a new model of how the world will assemble, maintain, critique and access medical knowledge. Since the announcement of The Medpedia Project in July 2008, over 110 organizations have contributed or pledged over 7,000 pages of content to the knowledge base, and thousands of people have become a part of the community.

For the general public, this page explains how to use Medpedia and this page list all the topics covered on

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(Health) Cold Cough Photo Using Schlieren Photography

Above is a frightening photograph of someone with a cold coughing and a thick cloud of cold virus being released and widely dispersed. A technique called Schlieren photography was used by Professor Gary Settles to show how a cough can spread the cold virus through the air. Now you know why the common cold spreads so quickly. (via

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(Health) Feel Good Friday – Ani Difranco at Bonnaroo

From Bonnaroo, just down the road from me, just a few weeks ago, Ani D does Manhole. Couple o’ f-bombs at the start.

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